Monday, March 16, 2009

Wow i don't even know where to start was a interesting, it was like a smack in the face. i tried to follow through with my plan of marking my binder up with different huge bullying cases in the past couple years, i found some good information but i couldn't really relate it with my foundation questions. i really need a little help i don't know which way i should go with the bullying topic i know what i want to do i just cant seem to map it out the way that i want it. i thought i was on the right path the last time i was in school but i guess not, i just want everything to work out well with my action plan because its already thought through and its also on a move. really i just need to sit and think of where i should go and also get a little help and other peoples view on what i should do. i didn't think that this would be as hard as it is, or maybe i need to be more dedicated?? whatever it is I'm sure to step my game up a little......

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I haven't been on here in a bit, but i think its time to update you on what i have accomplished. Through out the last couple weeks i have gotten allot of things done, i came a long way. I finally started working with my action plan and not to mention i found out something else to add with my action plan..Some time last week i had e~mailed BBBS (Big Brother Big Sister) and the manager Sarah Joseph got back to, i was really excited that it didn't take her a really long time. She mentioned to me how we have to set up a meeting for further information about me getting involved with her program. That was a really big step for me. I also e~mailed Healthy High Five around the same time it took them a little while to get back although didn't have very good news for me. They mentioned back to me in a e~mail that they don't have and volunteer activities for me to get involved because they just sponsor other programs. That was fair though and they also gave me some other people that i should get in touch with for dealing my topic. Every little bit if information helps. Today i finished my presentation and will be presenting it tomorrow, its nothing big though i just had to make sure that i have all my ideas together. I also started to work on my notes template. i found lots of good information to get me started and i also found a web~site that i think i fell in love with.;)...Its time for me to get started on my timeline though i will be sure to check back with you.....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Foundation Questions

=~) What is the age that bullying is most likely started??
=~) What are some long term issues from bullying??
=~) What are some things that may cause a male or a female to bully someone??
=~) Are there any consequences for bullying another child??
=~) If bullying is so noticeable why might it be so hard for teachers and other adults to find it and put a stop to it??
=~) If there is so much organizations and things going on why is bullying still present in many schools??

=~) What grade is bullying finally stopped or does it still happen when in high school and even in college
=~) What are some things that I can do to help prevent bullying in many places?
=~) What are some important facts that researches have found out about the reasons of bullying
=~) Do you think that bullying would ever come to a halt?? If so why??
=~) Do most kids that bully have mental issues?
=~) If bullying had come to a stop do you think that there would be another thing like it that would hurt others even worst??

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

___+~*Did You Know…..???*~+___

___In primary school (grades 1 through 6), bullying occurs mainly in the canteens (46%) and playgrounds (42%). In secondary schools (grades 7 through 12), most bullying happens inside the classroom (38%), in the canteens (35%), and in the toilets (23%). Bullying is occurring even in pre-schools.
___The number of children in grades 1 to 8 who admitted bullying others more than once or twice over a six week time period.

___Bullies are more likely to become adult criminals.
___Bullying occurs in school playgrounds every 7 minutes, and once every 25 minutes in classrooms.
___A bully is someone who directs physical, verbal, or psychological aggression or harassment toward others, with the goal of gaining power over or dominating another individual.
___While many people believe that bullies act tough in order to hide feelings of insecurity and self-loathing, in fact, bullies tend to be confident, with high self-esteem.
___Bullying is broken down into 5 categories along a continuum of involvement: bullies, victims, bully-victims, bystanders, and not involved with bullying
___An estimated 160,000 children miss school every day out of fear of attack or intimidation by other students.
___Since 1992, there have been 250 violent deaths in schools, and bullying has been a factor in virtually every school shooting.
___25 percent of teachers see nothing wrong with bullying or putdowns and consequently intervene in only 4 percent of bullying incidents.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Today is January 14Th and i am feeling really positive about what i have did this class. The topic that i have decided on is *Bullying/Female Bullying*, i have found lots of interesting things about this topic. i have even found a nice little video. I think i accomplished alot today knowing that i have a couple things due by Monday. I have 7 of my web sites found my topic and the last thing for me to do is find my question. That would really set things off. If i can i will try and see if i can post my video on my page so everyone could check it out so stay tuned......

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My time spent in cityhigh i havnt really heard anything about a graduation project although i may have heard about it from some of the administrators. I actually do know alot of students that are seniors, but i havnt really discussed their or any other grad projects.

Some things that have my intrests when thinking of my graduation project is trying to help all the homeless animals that are in shelters like the humane society, animal recue league and other shelters that cares for injured or homless anmials, Another idea i had was to try to stop teenage female violence.

Their are many things that concern me about my graduation project like if i would have enough time to finish everything in time, or if things would work out the way i would plan them to. But overall i think that i am going to succeed at this project because i am going to work at the best of my ability.