Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Foundation Questions

=~) What is the age that bullying is most likely started??
=~) What are some long term issues from bullying??
=~) What are some things that may cause a male or a female to bully someone??
=~) Are there any consequences for bullying another child??
=~) If bullying is so noticeable why might it be so hard for teachers and other adults to find it and put a stop to it??
=~) If there is so much organizations and things going on why is bullying still present in many schools??

=~) What grade is bullying finally stopped or does it still happen when in high school and even in college
=~) What are some things that I can do to help prevent bullying in many places?
=~) What are some important facts that researches have found out about the reasons of bullying
=~) Do you think that bullying would ever come to a halt?? If so why??
=~) Do most kids that bully have mental issues?
=~) If bullying had come to a stop do you think that there would be another thing like it that would hurt others even worst??

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