Wednesday, February 4, 2009

___+~*Did You Know…..???*~+___

___In primary school (grades 1 through 6), bullying occurs mainly in the canteens (46%) and playgrounds (42%). In secondary schools (grades 7 through 12), most bullying happens inside the classroom (38%), in the canteens (35%), and in the toilets (23%). Bullying is occurring even in pre-schools.
___The number of children in grades 1 to 8 who admitted bullying others more than once or twice over a six week time period.

___Bullies are more likely to become adult criminals.
___Bullying occurs in school playgrounds every 7 minutes, and once every 25 minutes in classrooms.
___A bully is someone who directs physical, verbal, or psychological aggression or harassment toward others, with the goal of gaining power over or dominating another individual.
___While many people believe that bullies act tough in order to hide feelings of insecurity and self-loathing, in fact, bullies tend to be confident, with high self-esteem.
___Bullying is broken down into 5 categories along a continuum of involvement: bullies, victims, bully-victims, bystanders, and not involved with bullying
___An estimated 160,000 children miss school every day out of fear of attack or intimidation by other students.
___Since 1992, there have been 250 violent deaths in schools, and bullying has been a factor in virtually every school shooting.
___25 percent of teachers see nothing wrong with bullying or putdowns and consequently intervene in only 4 percent of bullying incidents.

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