Monday, March 16, 2009

Wow i don't even know where to start was a interesting, it was like a smack in the face. i tried to follow through with my plan of marking my binder up with different huge bullying cases in the past couple years, i found some good information but i couldn't really relate it with my foundation questions. i really need a little help i don't know which way i should go with the bullying topic i know what i want to do i just cant seem to map it out the way that i want it. i thought i was on the right path the last time i was in school but i guess not, i just want everything to work out well with my action plan because its already thought through and its also on a move. really i just need to sit and think of where i should go and also get a little help and other peoples view on what i should do. i didn't think that this would be as hard as it is, or maybe i need to be more dedicated?? whatever it is I'm sure to step my game up a little......

1 comment:

  1. India,

    Let's sit down and put our heads together and work out your confusion tomorrow or Wednesday.
    - Mrs. Savido
